Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Polygamy (Polygyny) An Agent of Social Stability

Chinasa Anya - Chinasa (Chinny) C Anya has MSc in Metallurgy from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest Romania and PhD in Metallurgy from University ...

Father and Son - unknown

Although every child has a biological father, in "Father Factor and Abatement of Social Instability in the Society", it was posited that the harnessing of the "Father Factor" for every child is nigh elusive. The adverse effects of the absence of the "Father Factor" in the development of 'fatherless' children can be reduced or eliminated by having substitute 'fathers' in their lives.

Substitute 'Fathers'

Cohabitation and step families are continually on the rise, for instance, in the UK 40% of marriages were remarriages in 2008, and between 2003 and 2011a rise of about 38% in cohabitation was projected. However, the statistics on the contribution of lone parenthood (for which the female type constitutes about 93%) to the components of social instability in the society suggest that the harnessing of Father Factor through 'substitute fathers' is not proving to be the most effective method.

The relative ineffectiveness of substitute 'fathers' may be 'father'- and/or child-related.

In the case where it is 'father'-related, for males who have never been fathers before, a study suggests that their testosterone levels are such that they are not adequately cool-headed to be in a position to nurture in the children the attributes required in those children to maintain a socially stable situation. The bi-nuclear nature of step families presents challenges to all members of the family. These challenges could be those of loyalty of stepparents/children to stepchildren/parents and bonding of step siblings.

"Father Factor" would be best harnessed when there is an ample degree of loyalty of the step child to the step father. However, step children could often be plagued by jealousy of their biological parents being with another person not biologically related to them, and of their perception of more affection being shown to their younger half-siblings by their parents. Jealousy is one of the main causes of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) in children, which if not properly addressed in time could lead to sociopathic complications in adolescence.

Polygamy (Polygyny)

First, it needs to be made clear that the nature of polygyny being advocated for in this essay is that of two consenting (non-incestuous) adults. It is neither about the spiritual reasons for, nor the subculture of polygamous relationships, as exemplified by the Mormons of USA. Given the empirical findings that "Father Factor" has a huge positive effect on children - the adults of tomorrow - this review is only about a possible social stabilising effect of polygyny in the society.

Barriers to Polygamy

It was argued that the main problem in polygamy is in ascertaining that the relationship is consensual. In many parts of the world, women, for different reasons, actually choose to be a wife of a polygamous husband. In fact, this writer has observed where these wives affectionately refer to the other wives of their husband as "my husband's wives". And as shown in the "Sister Wives" - a reality television series on TLC television channel in the USA - these women consented to the relationship. One of the reasons advanced by women for their preference of a polygamous to a monogamous union is that there is less jealousy in the former, because the man's energy is concentrated on them who have come to know each other very well (rather than on unknown mistresses outside the home) .

The main barrier to many entering, or even thinking of a polygamous marriage, is that it is a criminal offence in a good number of countries, particularly in the West. For instance, although the British law is historically against polygamy, and not until very recently against homosexuality, polygamy is still illegal. it is therefore ambivalent to still hold on to such historical prejudice against polygamy, given that the law is now liberalised in favour of homosexuality. Under article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) of 1998, every individual has a right to family and private life, provided it is not injurious to the society in any of the respects listed in the article. In this regard, the only respect a consenting polygamous union may fall foul of the law is that of moral, to which homosexuality also until recently also fell foul of. If therefore the law has been liberalised for homosexuality, same should apply for polygamy.

Financial Burden of Polygyny to the Society

Some view polygamous relationships as essentially benefiting only to the man. Holding on to such a view denigrates the adult women who have made the choice to engage in the union.

Once it is established that the union is consensual, the women would be considered as wives to the man. Therefore the suggestion that the practice of polygyny imposes financial strain on the society would not arise, as the wives would no longer be treated as single mothers. Recognising polygamous unions, on the contrary, would therefore save the state the money hitherto paid to the wives as single mothers.

Polygyny: An Agent of Social Stability

Polygamous union is possibly the delight of relatively very few people in the society; for instance, this writer is one of those least inclined to it. However, consideration must be given to those people, who, if not for the criminalisation of the union, would engage in it.

As summarised above, substitute "fathers" do not allow the full harnessing of the positive effects of "Father Factor". But for those inclined to polygamous unions, the children of such unions, relative to those of lone parents, would be better placed to be nurtured not to be agents of that part of social instability attributable to the absence of fathers. The "Father Factor" would be fully utilised, assuming all other factors in the family (for example, the behaviour of the father) are favourable to social stability.

Decriminalising Polyandry

The argument for decriminalising polygyny is also valid for polyandry (marriage of a woman to more than one husband at the same time), otherwise feminists would invoke article 14 of the ECHR of 1998, which entitles everyone equal rights, without any discrimination in all respects listed in the article or other status (not listed in the article).

However, the forte of the argument to decriminalise polygyny (marriage of a man to more than one wife at the same time) derives from the empirical observations of the positive effect of "Father Factor". If "Mother Factor" were as potent as "Father Factor" in mitigating the social instability festered by lone parenthood, considering that 93% of lone parenthood (in the UK) is made up by mothers, there should be little or no social instability attributable to lone parenthood. But that is not the case, rather the society struggles through different costly socioeconomic measures to reduce the social instability attributable to lone parenthood..

In so far as article 14 enshrines equal right for all, it does not, however, give general rights against discrimination. So public authorities can justify discrimination if there is a good reason for treating people differently. The society is bigger than any individual or group of individuals. Therefore the reason of mitigating the social instability of the society attributable to lone (in particular mother) parenthood would be sufficient for polyandry not to be decriminalised. Similarly, polyandry can not be supported by the legalisation of homosexual lifestyle, as the latter has not been shown to contribute negatively to social stability.

Latest Bridal Jewellery Trend

The occasion of marriage is a special one for any person. In India, it is considered a highly sacred bond. An Indian woman regards the day of her marriage as the most important day in her life. To make this special day perfect, preparations go on for months on end in Indian households. Jewelry plays a very important role in Indian weddings. An Indian bride is usually decked up from head to toe in beautiful jewelry that complements her attire and her personality.

Typically, an Indian bride uses the following ornaments:

Maangtika or tiara: The tiara, called the Maangtika in Hindi, is used to adorn the centre forehead parting of the bride. Maangtikas are now available in different styles and colors. Usually, for bridal wear, a Maangtika with a decorative centre piece is preferred, with a long string. In the modern times, tiaras in the form of crowns are also being used.

Hair accessories: The trend of using hair accessories is getting highly popular in today's times. It is fast becoming a fashion statement. The hair accessories should co-ordinate with the attire of the bride. If the bride's dress is studded with diamonds, hair accessories encrusted with diamonds can be used. Pearl headgear and silver hairpins are also in vogue in the fashion world. In certain communities in India, elaborate headgear made of flowers is used as part of bridal wear.
Earrings: Earrings are available in every imaginable style and color. They range from small, delicate ones to dangling, heavy ones. Earrings are available in different metals and using different gemstones or pearls. Nowadays, the trend is to wear earrings covering the whole ear. Brides typically wear earrings that are attached to a chain, which is hooked in the hair.

Nose ring: The nose ring traditionally worn by Indian brides is in the form of a ring, which is attached to a chain that is hooked in the hair. It is called ‘Nath' in Hindi. In certain castes, the nose ring is worn without the chain. With the changing fashions, the nose ring is also undergoing a change. It is now available in different styles and is fast becoming a fashion statement.

Necklace: The necklace is the most versatile piece of bridal jewelry in today's times. It is available in a variety of styles and colors. The type of necklace is chosen depending upon the neckline of the bride's dress as well as the color and pattern. According to fashion experts, a long necklace would look good with a deep neck, while a choker would suit a smaller neckline.

Armbands: An armband is called ‘Bajubandh' in Hindi. It is also a widely used piece of bridal jewelry, which is worn on the upper part of the arms.

Bangles: The bangles are one of the most important part of a bride's attire. A variety of bangles made of different metals and studded with different gemstones and pearls is available in the market today. Nowadays, bracelets are becoming popular as bridal wear.

Finger rings: Finger rings are also one of the most important pieces of bridal jewelry. There are a number of styles available in the market in case of rings. Like other jewels, rings are also available in different metals, colors and gemstones. Generally, finger rings are worn on the ring fingers. However, finger rings can be worn on several fingers, as per the preference of the bride.

Ring bracelet: A ring bracelet is a bracelet that is attached to finger rings by way of chains. It is a custom in certain castes in India to wear ring bracelets.

Summary: - The choice of bridal jewelry is one of the most important considerations in an Indian wedding. It is necessary that the jewelry be suitable to the bride's personality and well-coordinated so that the bride looks her best on her special day.

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, , , Save Money on Groceries with Strategic Shoppin

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. Save Money on Groceries with Strategic Shopping   by Raymond LeVert in Shopping    (submitted 2012-02-25) About the Author

Raymond LeVert

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, , , Watch Your Step! - Shopping, Steps To Get A Do

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whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Shoes protect your feet from walking in all kinds of rubbish and disgusting things. If you did not wear any footwear you would certainly know about it. It would make you appreciate the function of a shoe rather than just its design.

People come in off the streets and walk into their homes without thought, forgetting what they have just walked through. Obviously you do not keep a track of the things you have stepped in as you walk along the street but have a think about what you may have just been through before you walk into your house.

When you arrive at a house there should be a door mat outside of the front door which is there for a purpose. Many people just like to stand on these but they are there to be used! Just in case that person does not get the hint, the majority of people have them on the inside of their home as well. Most have a cupboard or particular area to put footwear in to further plant seeds in people's minds so they should know before fully walking into the house. It is common courtesy to wipe your feet and leave them in a designated space provided.

Of course when people are carrying out a crime they try to be meticulously clean avoiding leaving traces of DNA behind. However there was a recent burglary taken place in a shop and just like you imagine it to happen and see it on old cheesy crime films or TV shows, they caught the culprit by following their footsteps!

When you hear a story like this it does make you chuckle to yourself that they would careless enough to not check their shoes before carrying out such a crime. Would the thieves not notice themselves leaving behind these prints? Do they just walk in a complete straight line? The police officer caught the man later breaking into a car a few blocks away from the shop so took him in for questioning. This is where the police noticed a significant amount of mud on the arrested mans' shoes. They then tested the footwear with the footprints linked to the burglary and low and behold they were a match! It sounds bizarre and shows this guy is obviously a bit of a novice at breaking and entering. At least he made the police forces job easier. It will have also helped the owner of the shop as he could get it back up and running as quick as possible. Hopefully he will save time and embarrassment by learning his lesson and not making a repeat performance!
Watch Your Step!    by Zoe Robinson in Shopping    (submitted 2012-02-28) About the Author

Zoe Robinson is an enthusiastic writer in the subject matter of footwear and accessories.. The websites recommended by Zoe Robinson have been thoroughly researched and come highly acclaimed from direct experience. Take a look at a collection of childrens shoes today.

Zoe Robinson

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For an online business, it is imperative to have a good domain name and a good provider of web hosting, as this contributes greatly to the success or failure of its Internet business. Some Internet entrepreneurs think they only need to choose any name they fancy. However, make sure that the name defines your business too. Go for domain register and start making the best use of your own identity on the Internet.

Following are the steps for obtaining a domain name:

1. Registering a domain: One of the first things you need to do is get back to basics and be clear conceptually as to why domain registration is necessary so that you can register a unique name that it inimitable and clearly distinguishable from thousands of similar web sites that are present online.

2. Keeping an appropriate name: When you make an effort to go for domain registration, make sure that the name is catchy and unique. This is because all the clutter that exists online makes it difficult for people to distinguish between a good and a bad service provider and identify its location. It is important that your domain name is related to the product you are selling on the Internet.

You need to find a best domain name if you want to target a specific audience, so that the user is aware of the products that you intend to sell. The domain name must be semantic, short, pronounceable and easy to hold in memory. It is also advisable that once you choose your domain name, you must take full account of the date of expiry in order to renew it on time and to prevent your competitor from buying it before you.

3. Checking the availability of the selected website name: It can be done with the help of a domain registar in India. A domain registrar India is responsible for website registration, reporting and tracking of website names online.
4. Where to register a new domain: There are many web hosting services where you can go for domain register, and these are special servers that can very easily perform the task of domain register. There are a number of services that specialise in domain registration.

To won a shopping cart, you need to have an account number with the domain seller so that the users can buy your products . In case you do not want your domain ownership to be known, choose the privacy option.